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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Acne: Cause and Treatment

Types of acne, causes of acne and treatments for acne vary from person to person. Though acne affects all ages, teenagers and young adults primarily suffer from this skin condition. Cause and treatment of acne are directly related since acne treatment is designed to prevent future acne breakouts.

Acne Cause #1: Excess Oil
Excess oil or sebum is the culprit that gets the acne ball rolling. Sebum is essential to keeping skin moisturized naturally. Unfortunately, when the skin produces too much sebum (as occurs frequently during the teenage years), the pores will clog. Excess oil can cause mild forms of acne such as the more common blackhead and whitehead. However, excess oil can also be the foundation for the development of cystic acne, a more severe type of acne.

Acne Cause #2: Clogged Pores
Clogged pores are a playground for acne. Excess oil is the main cause of clogged pores that lead to acne. However, oil is not the only pore clogger. Dirt, makeup, and dead skin can also clog pores. Dirt, dust, and other particles in the air settle onto the skin each day. If the skin is not cleansed properly these can build up in the pores and clog them. Not only will they clog pores they can trap skin oils in the pore as well. Dead skin cells can also clog the skin's pores. If the skin is not shedding skin properly, when the skin secretes oil that oil is trapped under the dead skin, thus causing acne.

Acne Cause #3: Bacteria
Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) is a bacterium naturally found on the skin. However, when it settles into a pore filled with excess oil and other pore cloggers, then P. acnes overgrowth often occurs. The result is a pustule or acne cyst.

Acne Cause # 4: Inflammation
Inflammation is directly related to the presence of P. acnes in a clogged pore. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the inflammation that contributes to larger red pimples is the result of a deep-level clogging of the pores from excess oil and P. acnes.

Common Acne Treatments
Whatever the primary cause, the acne treatment should be chosen according to the type of acne present. If a person suffers from blackheads and whiteheads, then topical acne treatments such as medicated cleansers, creams, facial masks, or lotions will do the trick. More severe acne, such as severe cystic acne, may require a systemic treatment or oral medication. Typically, the target of such oral treatments is to control P. acnes and inflammation it causes.

Common Acne Products
If the primary acne cause is excess oil production then over the counter treatments from lines like Clearasil and Clean & Clear can treat the mild forms of acne where excess oil is the primary cause. For moderate to severe acne, professional acne treatments like Retin-A and acne systems like Proactiv Solution penetrate the deeper levels of the skin where oil and P. acnes bacteria have settled.
Whatever the acne cause, there is a treatment available for it. The key is to stick with a daily skin care regimen using the acne product appropriate for your acne. Be mindful not to use a product meant for severe acne if you suffer from mild acne; otherwise, you might make your mild acne worse.


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